Vault Module
The satay::vault
module contains the code for vault logic within the Satay protocol. This module manages vault creation, deposits, withdrawals, strategy integration, and overall vault state.
The Vault
struct represents a vault in the protocol. It holds essential information about the vault's assets, state, and associated strategies.
The VaultController
struct holds the vault's extend ref.
Tracks all vaults and strategies registered within the protocol.
Represents a request to withdraw assets from a vault.
VaultCreated: Emitted when a new vault is created.
Deposit: Emitted when assets are deposited into a vault.
Withdraw: Emitted when assets are withdrawn from a vault.
RegistryInitialized: Emitted when the registry is initialized.
VaultPaused: Emitted when a vault is paused.
VaultUnpaused: Emitted when a vault is unpaused.
SetDepositLimit: Emitted when the deposit limit of a vault is set.
SetPerformanceFee: Emitted when the performance fee of a vault is set.
SetManagementFee: Emitted when the management fee of a vault is set.
BaseStrategyAdded: Emitted when a strategy is added to a vault.
BaseStrategyRemoved: Emitted when a strategy is removed from a vault.
BaseStrategySharesDeposit: Emitted when strategy shares are deposited into a vault.
BaseStrategySharesWithdraw: Emitted when strategy shares are withdrawn from a vault.
SetLockDuration: Emitted when the lock duration is set.
– Maximum performance fee in basis points.MAX_MANAGEMENT_FEE: u64 = 300
– Maximum management fee in basis points.MIN_LOCK_DURATION: u64 = 604_800
– Minimum profit lock duration, expressed in seconds.MAX_LOCK_DURATION: u64 = 2_419_200
– Maximum profit lock duration, expressed in seconds.MAX_BPS: u64 = 10_000
– Maximum basis points.U64_MAX: u64 = 18446744073709551615
– Maximum u64 value.DEBT_RATIO_MAX: u64 = 10_000
– Maximum debt ratio in basis points.SECONDS_PER_YEAR: u64 = 31_556_952
– Number of seconds in a year.DEFAULT_LOCK_DURATION: u64 = 1_209_600
– Default profit lock duration, expressed in seconds.
Error Codes
Unauthorized signer or capability.EALREADY_INITIALIZED
: Resource already initialized.EINVALID_DEBT_LIMIT
: Invalid debt limit (too much or too low).EINVALID_DEPOSIT_LIMIT
: Invalid deposit limit (too much or too low).EINVALID_FEE
: Invalid performance fee (too much or too low).EVAULT_BASE_ASSET_MISMATCH
: Asset metadata does not match the vault base assets.EINSUFFICIENT_BALANCE
: Insufficient balance to perform action.EVAULT_NOT_PAUSED
: Vault has not been paused.EVAULT_ALREADY_PAUSED
: Vault has already been paused.ESTRATEGY_ALREADY_ADDED
: BaseStrategy has already been added to vault.EVAULT_SHARES_ASSET_MISMATCH
: Asset metadata does not match the vault shares assets.ESTRATEGY_INSUFFICIENT_DEBT
: BaseStrategy does not have sufficient debt.EVAULT_STRATEGY_MISMATCH
: BaseStrategy does not belong or match the vault it's being used with.EINVALID_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT
: Deposit too much and exceeds the set limit.ESTRATEGY_HAS_DEBT
: BaseStrategy still has unpaid debt.EVAULT_INSUFFICIENT_DEBT
: Vault does not have sufficient debt.EINVALID_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT
: Invalid withdrawal amount.EVAULT_PAUSED
: BaseStrategy shares metadata does not match asset metadata.ESTRATEGY_WITNESS_MISMATCH
: BaseStrategy witness does not match the provided witness.EINVALID_SHARES_FACTORS
: Invalid shares conversion factors.EVAULT_INSUFFICIENT_ASSETS
: Insufficient vault assets.EINVALID_DEBT_AMOUNT
: Invalid amount of debt to take.EINVALID_REPORT_TIME
: Withdrawal account mismatch.EASSET_STORE_ALREADY_EXISTS
: Asset store already exists.EASSET_STORE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS
: Asset store does not exists.EINVALID_AMOUNT
: Total withdrawn does not match the expected amount.ETOO_MUCH_LOSS
: Invalid lock duration.ECANNOT_SWEEP_BASE_ASSET
: Can not sweep base asset.ECANNOT_SWEEP_ASSOCIATED_ASSET
: Can not sweep asset associated with vault.
initialize(account: &signer)
: Initializes the registry. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsRegistryInitialized
Vault Management
create(account: &signer, deposit_limit: Option<u64>, total_debt_limit: Option<u64>, base_metadata: Object<Metadata>): Object<Vault>
: Creates a new vault with specified parameters. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsVaultCreated
event.pause(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>)
: Pauses a vault, preventing deposits but allowing withdrawals. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsVaultPaused
event.unpause(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>)
: Unpauses a vault, allowing deposits again. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsVaultUnpaused
event.set_deposit_limit(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, deposit_limit: Option<u64>)
: Sets the deposit limit for a vault. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsSetDepositLimit
event.set_performance_fee(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, fee: Option<u64>)
: Sets the performance fee for a vault. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsSetPerformanceFee
event.set_management_fee(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, fee: Option<u64>)
: Sets the management fee for a vault. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsSetManagementFee
event.set_lock_duration(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, duration: u64):
Sets the lock duration for a vault. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsSetLockDuration
Deposits and Withdrawals
deposit(vault: Object<Vault>, asset: FungibleAsset): FungibleAsset
: Deposits assets into the vault, minting shares for the depositor. EmitsDeposit
event.initialize_withdrawal(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, shares_asset: FungibleAsset): WithdrawalRequest
: Initializes a withdrawal request by specifying the shares to burn.withdraw(account: &signer, request: &mut WithdrawalRequest)
: Processes a withdrawal request by burning shares and preparing assets for withdrawal.complete_withdrawal(account: &signer, request: WithdrawalRequest, max_loss: Option<u64>): FungibleAsset
: Completes a withdrawal request and returns the withdrawn assets. EmitsWithdraw
event.complete_withdrawal_coin<C>( account: &signer, request: WithdrawalRequest, max_loss: Option<u64> ): Coin<C>:
Completes a withdrawal request and returns the withdrawn &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>): (u64, u64):
This function is called by the strategy to report its performance and collect fees. Returns two values indicating profit and loss.
Strategy Management
add_strategy(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, debt_limit: u64)
: Adds a strategy to the vault. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsStrategyAdded
event.remove_strategy(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, force: bool)
: Removes a strategy from the vault. Can only be called by the governance account. EmitsStrategyRemoved
event.update_strategy_debt_limit(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, debt_limit: u64)
: Updates the debt limit for a strategy. Can only be called by the governance account.sweep( account: &signer, vault: Object, metadata: Object, amount: u64 ):
Sweeps a specified amount of a fungible asset from the vault to the governance address. Can only be called by the governance account.
Debt Management
create_debt_fa(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, auth_ref: &AuthRef, amount: u64): FungibleAsset
: Creates debt for a strategy by transferring assets from the vault to the strategy. Can only be called by the governance account.create_debt_coin<C>(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, auth_ref: &AuthRef, amount: u64): Coin<C>
: Creates debt for a strategy by transferring coins from the vault to the strategy. Can only be called by the governance account.
Strategy Shares Management
deposit_strategy_shares(vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, asset: FungibleAsset)
: Deposits strategy shares into the vault. EmitsStrategySharesDeposit
event.withdraw_strategy_shares<T>(vault: Object<Vault>, auth_ref: &AuthRef, amount: u64, _: &T): FungibleAsset
: Withdraws strategy shares from the vault. EmitsStrategySharesWithdraw
Withdrawal Processing
apply_strategy_withdrawal(request: &mut WithdrawalRequest, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, asset: FungibleAsset)
: Applies a strategy withdrawal to the withdrawal request.apply_strategy_loss(request: &mut WithdrawalRequest, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, amount: u64)
: Applies a strategy loss to the withdrawal request.add_debt_offset(request: &mut WithdrawalRequest, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, amount: u64)
: Adds a debt offset for a strategy in the withdrawal request.withdrawn_amount(request: &WithdrawalRequest): u64
: Retrieves the total amount withdrawn in the request.withdrawn_asset(request: &WithdrawalRequest): &FungibleAsset
: Retrieves the asset withdrawn in the request.
get_total_assets(vault: &Vault): u64:
Retrieves total assets (idle + debs).convert_amount_to_shares(vault: &Vault, amount: u64): u64
: Converts an amount of base assets to vault shares.convert_shares_to_amount(vault: &Vault, shares: u64): u64
: Converts vault shares back to base asset amount.get_total_shares(vault: &Vault): u128:
Returns the total supply of shares issued by the vault. If no shares exist, returns 0.get_locked_profit(vault: &Vault): u64:
Calculates the amount of profit currently locked in the vault based on the lock duration and time elapsed since last report. Returns 0 if vault is paused or lock period has expired.get_free_funds(vault: &Vault): u64:
Calculates the total available funds in the vault by subtracting locked profits from total assets. Returns 0 if locked profits exceed total assets.max_deposit(vault: &Vault): u64:
Calculates the maximum amount that can be deposited into the vault based on deposit limit and current total assets. Returns maximum u64 minus total assets if no limit is set.withdrawal_amount(request: &WithdrawalRequest): u64:
Returns the total amount of assets requested for withdrawal.withdrawal_remaining(request: &WithdrawalRequest): u64:
Returns the remaining amount of assets yet to be withdrawn.withdrawal_account(request: &WithdrawalRequest): address:
Returns the address of the account that initiated the withdrawal request.withdrawal_vault(request: &WithdrawalRequest): Object<Vault>:
Returns the vault object associated with the withdrawal request.withdrawal_to_burn(request: &WithdrawalRequest): &FungibleAsset:
Returns a reference to the shares asset that will be burned during withdrawal.withdrawal_withdrawn(request: &WithdrawalRequest): &FungibleAsset:
Returns a reference to the assets that have been withdrawn so far.withdrawal_debt_offsets(request: &WithdrawalRequest): &SimpleMap<Object<BaseStrategy>, u64> :
Returns a reference to the map of strategy debt offsets made during withdrawal.withdrawal_losses(request: &WithdrawalRequest): &SimpleMap<Object<BaseStrategy>, u64>:
Returns a reference to the map of losses realized by strategies during withdrawal.get_signer_for_router(vault: Object<Vault>, ref: &RouterRef): signer :
Generates a signer for router operations after validating the router reference. Only authorized routers can obtain a signer.
View Functions
Vault Information
vaults(): vector<Object<Vault>>
: Retrieves all vaults registered in the protocol.base_metadata(vault: Object<Vault>): Object<Metadata>
: Retrieves the base asset metadata of the vaultshares_metadata(vault: Object<Vault>): Object<Metadata>:
Retrieves the shares asset metadata of the vaulttotal_debt_limit(vault: Object<Vault>): Option<u64>:
Retrieves the total debt limit of the vault (if set)total_idle(vault: Object<Vault>): u64
: Retrieves the total idle assets in a vault.total_debt(vault: Object<Vault>): u64
: Retrieves the total debt of a vault.total_assets(vault: Object<Vault>): u64
: Retrieves the total assets managed by a vault.total_shares(vault: Object<Vault>): u64
: Retrieves the total shares issued by a vault.is_paused(vault: Object<Vault>): bool
: Checks if a vault is paused.deposit_limit(vault: Object<Vault>): Option<u64>
: Retrieves the deposit limit of a vault.manager(vault: Object<Vault>): address
: Retrieves the manager address of a vault.lock_duration(vault: Object<Vault>): u64:
Retrieves the lock duration for profitstotal_locked(vault: Object<Vault>): u64: Retrieves
the total amount of locked profitsperformance_fee(vault: Object<Vault>): u64:
Retrieves the performance fee of the vault.management_fee(vault: Object<Vault>): u64:
Retrieves the management fee of the vault.
Strategy Information
strategies(): vector<Object<BaseStrategy>>
: Retrieves all strategies registered in the protocol.vault_strategies(vault: Object<Vault>): vector<Object<BaseStrategy>>
: Retrieves all strategies associated with a vault.strategy_debt(vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>): u64
: Retrieves the current debt of a strategy in a vault.get_strategy_shares_balance(vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>): u64
: Retrieves the balance of strategy shares held by the vault.strategy_total_loss(vault: Object, strategy: Object): u64:
Retrieves the total loss incurred by a strategystrategy_total_profit(vault: Object, strategy: Object): u64:
Retrieves the total profit generated by a strategystrategy_last_report(vault: Object, strategy: Object): u64:
Retrieves the timestamp of the last report from a strategystrategy_debt_limit(vault: Object, strategy: Object): u64:
Retrieves the debt limit set for a strategy
Internal Functions
deposit_internal(vault: Object<Vault>, asset: FungibleAsset): FungibleAsset:
Handles the core deposit logic - adds assets to vault's idle balance and mints corresponding shares.create_shares_asset(vault_signer: &signer, base_metadata: Object<
Metadata>): Object<
Creates a new shares token for the vault with "vs" prefix (e.g. vsBTC) based on the base asset metadata.get_strategy_returns(vault: Object<
Vault>, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>): (u64, u64)
Calculates a strategy's profit or loss by comparing current assets to debt.assess_fee(vault: Object<Vault>, strategy: Object<Vault>, profit: u64): (u64, u64):
Calculates management and performance fees based on strategy performance and time elapsed.handle_loss(vault: Object<Vault, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, loss: u64):
Updates vault and strategy state to account for realized losses.handle_profit(vault: Object<Vault, strategy: Object<BaseStrategy>, profit: u64):
Updates vault and strategy state to account for realized profits.create_debt_internal(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>, auth_ref: &AuthRef, amount: u64):
Core logic for creating new strategy debt - validates limits and updates vault/strategy debt tracking.create_internal( constructor_ref: &ConstructorRef, manager: address, deposit_limit: Option<u64>, total_debt_limit: Option<u64>, base_metadata: Object<Metadata>, shares_metadata: Object<Metadata>): (Vault, VaultController)
Initializes a new vault with given parameters and creates required controller objects.is_signer_authorized(account: &signer, vault: Object<Vault>): bool:
Checks if an account has permission to perform privileged vault operations.
Access Control
Governance Only: Certain functions are restricted to the governance account, such as initializing the registry, creating vaults, pausing/unpausing vaults, setting deposit limits, setting protocol fees, adding/removing strategies, updating strategy debt limits, and creating debts.
Governance or Manager: Functions that can be performed by either the governance account or the vault manager.
Friend Functions: The
modules are friends ofsatay::vault
, giving them access to certain internal protocol functions.
Last updated