Protocol Module


The satay::protocol module manages the protocol-level configuration, governance, and fee structure in the Satay ecosystem. It provides functionality for setting and managing the protocol's governance, protocol fees, and protocol fee recipients.



The Protocol struct represents the protocol-level configuration. It stores governance-related information, including the current governance address, pending governance, protocol fees, and the recipient of protocol fees.

struct Protocol has key {
    governance: address,
    pending_govenance: Option<address>,
    protocol_fee: u64,
    protocol_fee_recipient: address,


The ProtocolController struct provides the control and signing capabilities for the protocol, storing the ExtendRef used for extending the protocol's object.

struct ProtocolController has key {
    extend_ref: ExtendRef


The FeeConfig struct stores information about the protocol's management and performance fees.

struct FeeConfig has store, drop {
    management_fee: u64,
    performance_fee: u64,



Emitted when the governance of the protocol is changed.

struct GovernanceChanged has store, drop {
    governance: address


  • MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE: u64 = 5000 – Maximum protocol fee allowed (in BPS).

  • DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_FEE: u64 = 1000 – Default protocol fee (in BPS).

  • PROTOCOL_SEED: vector<u8> = b"00000000Protocol" – Seed used to create the protocol object.

Error Codes

  • ECONFIG_NOT_INITIALIZED: Configuration has not been initialized.

  • ENOT_GOVERNANCE: Caller is not the governance account.

  • ENOT_PENDING_GOVERNANCE: Caller is not the pending governance account.

  • EINVALID_PROTOCOL_FEE: Protocol fee exceeds the maximum allowed value.

  • EZERO_ADDRESS_ERROR: Zero address is invalid for certain actions (e.g., fee recipient).

Public Functions

  1. Module Initialization

    • init_module(signer: &signer): Initializes the protocol module by creating the protocol and protocol controller objects.

  2. Governance Management

    • set_governance(account: &signer, governance: address): Sets the pending governance account. Only the current governance account can call this function.

    • accept_governance(account: &signer): Accepts the pending governance address, promoting it to the current governance address. Only the pending governance account can call this function.

  3. Fee Management

    • set_protocol_fee(account: &signer, protocol_fee: u64): Sets the protocol fee. The fee must not exceed the maximum allowed (MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE).

    • set_protocol_fee_recipient(account: &signer, recipient: address): Sets the recipient of the protocol fee. The recipient address must not be zero.

Friend Functions

  • get_signer(): signer acquires ProtocolController: Returns the signer for extending the protocol, used by friend modules to interact with the protocol.

View Functions

  • is_governance(account: address): bool acquires Protocol: Checks if the provided account is the current governance account.

  • is_pending_governance(account: address): bool acquires Protocol: Checks if the provided account is the pending governance account.

  • get_governance(): address acquires Protocol: Returns the current governance address.

  • get_pending_governance(): Option<address> acquires Protocol: Returns the pending governance address, if any.

  • get_address(): address: Returns the address of the protocol.

  • get_protocol_fee(): u64 acquires Protocol: Returns the current protocol fee.

  • get_protocol_fee_recipient(): address acquires Protocol: Returns the address that receives the protocol fee.

  • get_deployer(): address: Returns the address of the deployer (the account that deployed the protocol).

  • get_performance_fee(): u64 acquires Protocol: Returns the performance fee for the protocol.

  • get_management_fee(): u64 acquires Protocol: Returns the management fee for the protocol.

Access Control

  • Governance Account: The account designated as the governance account has full control over the protocol's configuration, including changing fees and governance.

  • Pending Governance: When a governance transition is in progress, the pending governance account must accept its role to finalize the change.

  • Friend Functions: The satay::wrapper, satay::strategy, and satay::vault modules are friends of satay::protocol, giving them access to certain internal protocol functions.

Last updated